Monday, April 25, 2011

CEP812: Wicked Problem Project: Part D - Findings and Implications

The project, Thee Best of Both Worlds, E-mentoring program was implemented as much as could be during this course. In which if given more time, a couple things would have happened.  I would have made the pre-qualifying survey more precise with detailed questions.  From there the actual e-mentor survey would have been administered, and after a qualified pool of candidates would have been selected, mentors will be notified. After the mentor selection, there would have been a selection of high schools students that would have been given a survey of participation. A group of students would be selected based on need of academic motivation will be selected. The success would have been measured by academic performance or rather increase in academic performance over a time span, short and long term. The only part of my implementation was completed was showing that college undergrads, grad students and alumni are willing to commit to being mentors, which came from them taking the pre-qualifying survey that was created with survey monkey.

With the results I received I know that I would be able to get more mentors to take the survey. I was a little disturbed how some people could not follow the simple directions of putting their name down on the survey, seeing how it was the first question on the survey. I needed that answer so in case they qualified; I could get in contact with them. But I guess too, it is my fought for not expressing the need of knowing the name of the person that took the survey. Being limited to only the basic account of survey monkey does raise a flag, on considering if I would stay with that survey tool or use another one. As of right now, I would use another one, and one with more basic options.  Even if the survey tool would only let me create three surveys with unlimited questions, it would prove to be more useful as a startup.

Other technologies that I would incorporate would be the use of social media, of course. We would be linked into the majoring players, Facebook, Twitter, and even Foursquare. The Foursquare accounts, will a fun way to keep track of the mentees, without really keeping track, and would as serve as statistics that I would keep. This will help me understand some of the patterns of the mentees which may give some insight as to why they are in need of academic motivation.  After learning about Polling software, there would be implementation of monthly polls. This is use to get feedback from the mentees and the mentors, and this would be the same question, “As a mentee, do you feel having your mentor is helping you do better in school and life” , “As a mentee do you feel you have improved in school” and “As a mentor, do you feel your mentee is doing better in school”.

At this present time, this is no evidence from myself of a problem of practice, but by their being some literature on e-mentoring shows that their some truth to this practice. I do not think I would have done anything differently for a project of this magnitude, unless the ideal overall was different. I would probably just focus on one particular section same as I did this time. But now thinking, I would use graduate students to mentor undergraduate students, but yet still a have the same format as having two mentors. Then I would try to use the same template with slight modification on high school students. The lesson learned is allot more time, and it will prove beneficial to be able to get more completed or at least what is expected to be completed.  Given the proper resources I would try to bring this project to fruition. I know that a project/program as such would be greatly beneficial to the success of high school and college students. I personally would not change anything, and may consider still moving forward with this program.  

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