Sunday, January 30, 2011

CEP 810: Getting Things Done

I always enjoy learning new things, and and having new experiences. So in this CEP 810 course i have been learning some new things. This time learning how "Get Things Done" the workflow.

So in response to the questions of
  1. How did you organize your process? (are you using paper and pencil, a phone, a piece of software)?
  2. What was it like for you going through the process the first time?
  3. Do you think that this process will help you? Why or why not?
  4. Do you think you will continue this process? If not, what will your process be?
I am more of a pen and pencil guy myself, i actually take notes in a sketch pad, so I used that. Going through the process was kind of easy and simple for me, especially in this moment in my life, because i don't have much to do. But I understand how much more difficult it can be when more things are occupying your time. I think this process could help me in some aspects as far as being able to visualize what I need to do (being the visual person I am), but that is about as far as it will help me.  I do not think i will continue this process, it just does not seem to fit with my natural flow of life and order, but I will say that writing things down, definitely helps. I think my process will be more of an artistic view point. After looking at how I did mine in my sketch pad that is the route I'm going. So my process will be to sit at the beginning of each week, and draw picture of posted notes, or bubbles, and depending on its importance will be decide how big the posted note or bubble will be. When the activity is over, I will just cross it out.


  1. I loved the visual strategies you developed. The GTD process is so open-ended, as far as the way you lay out your "to-do" lists and list categories. I tend to be visual too. I use a calendar, and like to see how events relate to each other time wise. I then take care of the more important (read: time consuming) ones first. How do you carry such a large piece of paper around with you? Just wondering=8-)

  2. Hi Chris, we are working on the SIG3 proposal and are trying to get in touch with you. I can't seem to get through to you on the Skype address mentioned in the class work sheet and Laura tried to email you.
    Can you please get in touch with Laura, Joe and me? Thanks in advance.
    Ciao, Spike.
